Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (2024)

- Added Lucent Citadel as a trial zone, for custom rules
- API bump to U42 Gold Road

- Reworked the Quickstars panel to allow displaying and editing multiple trees at once. The buttons are now toggles for each of the trees instead, and the cycle-tab keybind has an extra mode that shows all 3 trees
- Fixed minor text-not-fitting issue

- Added Bedlam Veil and Oathsworn Pit as group dungeons, for custom rules
- Fixed minor draw tier overlap
- API bump to U41 Scions of Ithelia

- Added a new custom rule trigger for map ID. It can trigger upon player load, i.e. going through a loadscreen, but unlike the zone ID trigger, can work on the same zone. This may be useful in slotting specific CP for Endless Archive bosses
- Added the ability for any custom rules that use the "Extra info" box to trigger on any match by setting the field to *. For example, you can now slot CP when ANY boss dies

- Fixed dropdown elements displaying in wrong tiers for U40
- Added Endless Archive to be considered as a "normal" difficulty group arena, for custom rules
- API bump to U40

- Fixed an error that could occur when loading an armory build while in combat
- API bump to U39

- Fixed the Quickstars panel blocking mouse clicks to elements near itself even when the UI was locked

- Added support for Sanity's Edge
- API bump to Necrom

- Added support for Bal Sunnar and Scrivener's Hall
- API bump to Scribes of Fate

- Added support for Earthen Root Enclave and Graven Deep
- API bump to Lost Depths

- Fixed some texture buttons not working (draw tiers again...)

- Possibly fixed the presets, pulldown, etc. windows disappearing on the CP screen after a while (draw tiers)

- Added Dreadsail Reef
- API bump and minor update to High Isle (101034)

- Improved some timeout code
- Added Ascending Tide dungeons
- Added some tracking for last used presets (not used yet, soonTM)
- API bump to Ascending Tide (101033)

- Fixed an error that occurred if you used the presets window to apply and confirm a preset while never opening the vanilla champion points menu for the first time

- Fixed an CHAMPION_BAR_SKILL_NOT_PURCHASED error that could occur if you applied a preset that assigned slottables, but then applied and tried to confirm another preset (usually in a different tree) and did not have the points for the previous preset's slottables. Just a roundabout way to say that the stupid programmer forgot to reset internal pending slottables :')

- API bump to Deadlands
- Fixed Quickstars panel (and maybe other things) not updating when loading build from the armory

- Added a setting to show the extra chat messages relating to custom rules, such as "Waiting for combat to end before evaluating rules..." Enabled by default, can be turned off in Settings > Addons > Dynamic CP - Custom Rules > Show extra messages in chat

- Fixed some errors that could occur when using the presets UI, especially the old style

- Completely revamped the presets UI! It's now a sliding side menu so you can click on the tab to slide it out of the way of stars, if needed
- The old UI style is still available in settings if you prefer that: Dynamic CP > Preset Window Settings > Preset window style > Standalone Window
- Fixed preset window background alpha setting not being applied

- Added support for Red Petal Bastion and The Dread Cellar to custom rules' dungeon trigger
- Added Celerity to red tree 3rd slot in Kyzer's custom rules for the Overland rule set. Gotta go fast!

- API bump to Waking Flame
- Changed presets to be saved and loaded internally with skill ID instead of skill index
- No updates to the default presets or rules at this time
- Added option to play sound effect when changing slottables through Quickstars panel, enabled by default

- Fixed potential error when attempting to save CP while on the cooldown, after ZOS added a proper constant representing the failed result

- Fixed error when saving new preset. I broke it in v1.1.2, don't get that version :'D

- Fixed role and class buttons resetting when saving over an existing preset
- Possibly fixed custom rule sometimes not getting applied when entering a new zone if previously on cooldown
- Changed Kyzer's custom rules: fixed Imperial City rules to actually work in IC, and changed all Thaumaturge to Master-at-Arms. If you want to use the new rules you'll have to re-import them

- Fixed error printing chat message when gaining a champion point
- Made the dialog buttons' keybind text also clickable

- Updated (hopefully correctly) for Blackwood:
- Presets that contain more than the maximum points in a star will now show a warning, but you still need to save over it yourself
- Added new buttons in the settings to delete all default presets, or reset all default presets
- Updated default presets for Blackwood to account for the nerfed passives but also the new slottable stars
- Fixed hide background for Blackwood

- [NEW] Added an entirely new system for (semi-)automatically slotting stars based on your own rules! Gone are the days of forgetting to change out Backstabber on the vSS dragons
- When you log in with this new version of the addon, a dialog will take you to the Custom Rules menu, where you can add, remove, and edit rules. Or, if you don't want to do the work, you can just import a whole suite of rules that I've defined for my own usage
- These custom rules allow you to automatically slot different stars in different zones, for example Treasure Hunter in dungeons, Gifted Rider in overland zones, and so on. In addition, rules can trigger off of specific bosses too, so you can have a rule that changes out Backstabber when encountering a Sunspire dragon, and then slots Backstabber back on after the dragon dies
- There are a lot of options, take a look yourself! This system is meant to slot "longer-term" stars based on your location. If you're looking for something that changes your green stars quickly, such as slotting Meticulous Disassembly when interacting with a crafting station, I would definitely recommend the addon "Jack of all Trades" which can be used in conjunction with Dynamic CP's custom rules
- Added a settings button to the Quickstars panel when it's unlocked. The button and the green outline will go away when you lock the position
- Changed the command for opening the presets window to /dcp presets. /dcp alone will show command usage instead

- Fixed the Quickstars panel not showing on login if you had HUD UI setting on. Sorry I am potato at these scene fragment things X_X

- Added automatic star slotting with 5 or more stars when applying a preset. It priorities the most maxed stars, then most points, and then star index
- Added a setting for showing Quickstars panel on HUD_UI scene. This is when your mouse cursor is active, like when you are typing in the chatbox. The default setting will inherit your HUD setting
- Possibly fixed Quickstars panel sometimes not updating when stars are changed, let me know if you still find issues

- Fixed Quickstars panel showing on the HUD upon first loading in, even if the setting was turned off for HUD
- Fixed an error that could happen when using the Quickstars panel to set slottables with the CP screen open, or opening CP screen afterwards. This is a bug with an API function ZOS provided, so now the animation upon star confirmation will not play
- Added a setting for changing color of the cooldown label in Quickstars panel

- Added a small text label on Quickstars panel indicating the 30-second cooldown on switching slottables. Enabled by default
- Added a keybind for cycling through Quickstars tabs
- Added a setting to only show unslotted stars in the Quickstars dropdowns. Disabled by default
- Added settings to show Quickstars panel on the HUD and CP screen. Enabled and disabled by default, respectively
- Adjusted the presets window help text to clarify that presets do NOT save which slottable stars are slotted
- Fixed the total CP info label showing up on HUD if you toggle the preset window on HUD

- Added keybind for toggling Quickstars panel
- Added command for toggling Quickstars panel: /dcp quickstar or /dcp qs or /dcp q
- Fixed hotbar pulldown not updating in certain situations. There will now be a slight delay in updating but shouldn't be too noticeable, just 100ms

- Fixed the bounding box on Quickstars panel when the mirrored setting is on, so it should be movable to bottom / right edge of screen now
- Added a background for Quickstars panel when it's unlocked to make it easier to move

- Added a "Quickstars" panel!
- See your currently slotted stars outside of the CP screen
- Use the dropdowns to switch slotted stars, and confirm or cancel using the buttons
- Can open one tree at once, or click the tab again to collapse
- Multiple settings available like scale, button orientation, which side to display the menu on, etc. so you can fit it into your UI. Or if you don't like it, you can turn it off entirely :'D

- Added a chat message when you gain a champion point. Enabled by default
- Added a cancel button next to confirm button for presets
- Made it so the changes list goes away after you confirm or cancel
- Added a setting for the preset window opacity
- Added settings for star label colors and font sizes
- Added a small indicator for your total CP and total for each tree in the top left of the CP screen. Enabled by default
- Fixed Confirm button using gold even if a respec is not required -- this didn't actually affect any of your gold because we had free respecs, but it should be fixed going forward
- Refactored a large amount of code to change how purchase requests are kept track of

- Added a setting for showing the number of committed points on the slottables pulldown, disabled by default
- Fixed slottables pulldown showing "Star 420" when there are empty slots on first-time opening lol

- Added a pulldown menu below the slottables bar to easily see which stars are slotted, with left to right corresponding with top to bottom. If you don't want to see it, click the tab arrow and it will stay closed :) Thanks Rai for helping with UX!
- Added a setting for showing the presets menu when CP menu is opened, so if you only want the QoL improvements but never want to use presets, you can turn it off

- Added double-clicking shortcuts to slot and unslot stars. Double click the star in the constellation to slot or unslot it from the hotbar. Double click the star in the hotbar to unslot it from the hotbar
- Made presets also automatically slot slottables if there are 4 or fewer unlocked when you Confirm, enabled by default. Previously, it would only unslot stars that you no longer had points in
- Added a warning message when leaving CP screen without saving changes, enabled by default
- Added a warning message and countdown when changing slottables fails because of ZOS's 30-second cooldown, enabled by default

- Added settings menu
- Added labels for stars within clusters
- Added ability to close the presets window with X button, also toggleable with keybind and/or using command /dcp
- Made preset window able to be scaled, but the spacing becomes weird
- Made preset window attempt to "dock" itself in a spot with more space to avoid overlapping with stars - would recommend adjusting the window scale so that it fits in the red tree, between Arcane Alacrity and Bashing Brutality. The docking is enabled by default but can be turned off

- Made the window movable so it can be moved out of the way of the upper right stars. Unfortunately there's no single area that's clear for space among all 3 trees... will try to see if it's possible to anchor to different spots on each screen later
- Made the window reset when you exit and reenter the CP screen ONLY if there are no pending points, i.e. you are not in between clicking Apply and clicking Confirm
- Fix some more formatting for labels -- thanks again Smaxx!

- Fix some formatting for labels -- thanks Smaxx!
- Show the menu in gamepad UI as well, but with no real support for gamepad mode
- Added confirmation dialog for the Confirm button

- Initial upload

Archived Files (41)

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Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (1)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




05/18/24 01:04 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (2)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/10/24 12:30 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (3)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




12/08/23 08:15 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (4)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




10/29/23 11:17 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (5)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




08/30/23 05:58 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (6)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




08/06/23 07:23 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (7)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/03/23 10:47 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (8)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/11/23 04:31 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (9)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




08/22/22 03:21 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (10)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/08/22 11:49 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (11)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/08/22 02:31 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (12)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/05/22 12:09 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (13)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/11/22 01:18 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (14)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




11/13/21 04:13 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (15)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




11/04/21 01:23 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (16)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




11/01/21 08:40 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (17)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




10/22/21 02:45 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (18)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




10/12/21 03:50 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (19)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




10/05/21 12:20 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (20)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




08/23/21 04:02 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (21)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




08/22/21 09:05 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (22)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




08/01/21 02:37 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (23)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/17/21 06:56 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (24)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/01/21 08:44 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (25)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




06/01/21 06:06 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (26)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




05/29/21 10:31 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (27)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




04/05/21 03:20 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (28)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




04/04/21 09:06 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (29)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/23/21 11:38 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (30)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/22/21 03:36 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (31)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/21/21 06:53 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (32)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/21/21 12:39 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (33)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/20/21 09:55 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (34)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/20/21 03:22 AM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (35)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/15/21 02:21 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (36)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/14/21 01:57 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (37)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/12/21 07:48 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (38)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/10/21 01:43 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (39)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/08/21 04:59 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (40)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




03/08/21 12:04 PM

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (41)Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)




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Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (43)12/12/23, 01:04 PM


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Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

I think so, though for the purposes of Endless Archive that doesn't matter for map ID trigger because each change in mapId is also a player activation anyway.

Yep, it's working perfectly fine.

Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

How do you envision this working?

The idea would be to slot offensive CPs during the early Arcs and then automatically swap them out as you get into higher Arcs

e.g. have all the +6% damage CPs during Arc 1-2 then swap them for -6% damage taken during Arc 3+ or slotting Bracing Anchor (high block bonus but movement penalty) after Arc 5+

It doesn't have to be an extra global filter, just a new trigger condition like with the new mapID, since GetEndlessDungeonCounterValue(type) only returns 0 outside of EA anyway.
When you select this condition you can enter a set of numbers for which this rule applies:

1.1.1 = very first trash room
1.1.3 = first boss encounter
1.5.3 = first Tho'at encounter
2.1.1 = start of Arc 2

Ideally a placeholder would also work:

x.x.3 = any boss encounter
x.x.1 = any trash room after a boss
x.5.3 = any Tho'at encounter
x.1.1 = any trash room after Tho'at

Basically a condition like this can replace a mapID filter more reliably (which is why I said "I hope you dont hate me too much for this") and would be future proof, in case they ever add new maps.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (47)12/11/23, 10:39 PM


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Originally Posted by Rengaru

Wouldn't it be possible to trigger on subzone change?

It will fire a bit more often (like anytime you cross into a different phase) but since your addon already seems to filter by zone/map ID that shouldnt be a problem, right?

I think so, though for the purposes of Endless Archive that doesn't matter for map ID trigger because each change in mapId is also a player activation anyway. What I meant is that the *zone* ID trigger in DCP doesn't re-trigger on player activation if you're still in the same zone, because I didn't want it to be spammy on loadscreens. It just makes it a little more complicated to work as a "fallback" for the map ID trigger.

Originally Posted by Rengaru

Also (and I hope you dont hate me too much for that) can I request another filter depending on how high you are in the Endless Archive, to make it a bit easier slotting offensive CPs earlier and swaping them out for more defense later?

The required function for that would be GetEndlessDungeonCounterValue(type) it will return your current level depending on what type you ask for:

0 = stage (1-3)
1 = cycle (1-5)
2 = arc (1-infinite)


How do you envision this working? I'm assuming you want to have different sets of CP for, say, easy trash, easy boss, hard trash, and hard boss. By "filter," do you mean an extra option under the CONDITION section? I feel like it could fit there since it's similar to "apply for normal" or "apply for veteran." Blegh, all these combinations of conditions is what makes me want to throw it all out and rewrite the addon lol, if only I had the time.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (52)12/09/23, 05:18 AM


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Also (and I hope you dont hate me too much for that) can I request another filter depending on how high you are in the Endless Archive, to make it a bit easier slotting offensive CPs earlier and swaping them out for more defense later?

The required function for that would be GetEndlessDungeonCounterValue(type) it will return your current level depending on what type you ask for:

0 = stage (1-3)
1 = cycle (1-5)
2 = arc (1-infinite)


Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (56)12/09/23, 04:29 AM


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Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Sorry, I finally got around to this. v2.1.0 adds map ID as a trigger option.

Awesome, thanks for that.

Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Unfortunately the map ID trigger sort of has limitations. I made it so that it triggers on player activation, but other triggers like zone ID only trigger on player activation when it's a different zone. That means you can't only have one map ID rule for boss rooms and then let the EA zone ID handle the rest, which would have been ideal. I guess it's not too terrible to have 2 separate map ID rules that complement each other. If I did this all over again, I'd make the custom rules a separate add-on that probably uses some simple scripting similar to RulebasedInventory, which would make it a lot easier to provide flexibility on combining conditional triggers.

Wouldn't it be possible to trigger on subzone change?


local function OnSubzoneChanged(eventCode) --insert check hereend EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("addonName", EVENT_CURRENT_SUBZONE_LIST_CHANGED, OnSubzoneChanged)

It will fire a bit more often (like anytime you cross into a different phase) but since your addon already seems to filter by zone/map ID that shouldnt be a problem, right?

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (60)12/08/23, 08:25 PM


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Originally Posted by Rengaru

Hey, would it be possible to implement new custom rules to dynamically slot different stars for the new Endless Archive and the boss rooms respectively?

A global Rule for all of EA is already possible with zoneID (1436) but the Addon currently has no way to differentiate between trash rooms and boss rooms.

One way this could be implemented is by checking the current mapID (GetCurrentMapId()) which is 2418 for all boss rooms and 2419 for the Tho'at boss encounter.

Alternatively an option to enter mapIDs as a trigger could also help for different use-cases.


Sorry, I finally got around to this. v2.1.0 adds map ID as a trigger option. For anyone who may be interested, these are the IDs for the maps, but I forgot to note down some of the side rooms. They're probably the IDs in between that are missing though:


2407: index2408, 2410, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417: trash rooms2418: cycle boss room2419: Tho'at2420: treacherous crossing2422: watcher side portal2424: Aramril theater of war

Unfortunately the map ID trigger sort of has limitations. I made it so that it triggers on player activation, but other triggers like zone ID only trigger on player activation when it's a different zone. That means you can't only have one map ID rule for boss rooms and then let the EA zone ID handle the rest, which would have been ideal. I guess it's not too terrible to have 2 separate map ID rules that complement each other. If I did this all over again, I'd make the custom rules a separate add-on that probably uses some simple scripting similar to RulebasedInventory, which would make it a lot easier to provide flexibility on combining conditional triggers.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (65)11/12/23, 05:14 PM


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Originally Posted by Rengaru

Hey, would it be possible to implement new custom rules to dynamically slot different stars for the new Endless Archive and the boss rooms respectively?

A global Rule for all of EA is already possible with zoneID (1436) but the Addon currently has no way to differentiate between trash rooms and boss rooms.

One way this could be implemented is by checking the current mapID (GetCurrentMapId()) which is 2418 for all boss rooms and 2419 for the Tho'at boss encounter.

Alternatively an option to enter mapIDs as a trigger could also help for different use-cases.


Ah, good idea, I'll look into implementing that (hopefully within like 2 weeks...) I've also been thinking I might need to add a toggle for whether to apply a rule in EA, because my rule that triggers upon Yolnahkriin's death has been activating in EA too.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (70)11/12/23, 02:28 PM


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Hey, would it be possible to implement new custom rules to dynamically slot different stars for the new Endless Archive and the boss rooms respectively?

A global Rule for all of EA is already possible with zoneID (1436) but the Addon currently has no way to differentiate between trash rooms and boss rooms.

One way this could be implemented is by checking the current mapID (GetCurrentMapId()) which is 2418 for all boss rooms and 2419 for the Tho'at boss encounter.

Alternatively an option to enter mapIDs as a trigger could also help for different use-cases.


Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (74)10/23/23, 08:03 AM


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Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Hmm, I saw your pre-edited message where you mentioned upper right corner announcements. Do you mean you've selected "Show notifications as alerts" in Jack of all Trades? That option sends it to the corner instead of sending it to chat.

Dynamic CP and Jack of All Trades are playing nice together (for me) again. Long story short: DarkUI (which I don't usually use) was the culprit. I didn't catch it at first because I forgot to delete the ShaderCache file while restarting the game.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (77)10/22/23, 05:12 PM


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Originally Posted by Navarill

Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Originally Posted by Navarill

Since the last update, something about Dynamic CP is preventing Jack of All Trades from writing chat output when making changes to the green slots.

Is it a specific chat output in particular? e.g. "Meticulous Disassembly slotted" or something else? I use both add-ons together and still have the green output currently, but there are probably many settings we have set differently. Do you have more detailed steps to reproduce the issue?

Resetting the saved variables in Jack of all Trades fixed it.

UPDATE: It fixed it until the next ReloadUI. This is not a serious issue, so if I'm the only one reporting it, no need to invest anymore time into it.

Hmm, I saw your pre-edited message where you mentioned upper right corner announcements. Do you mean you've selected "Show notifications as alerts" in Jack of all Trades? That option sends it to the corner instead of sending it to chat.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (82)10/22/23, 01:08 PM


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Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Originally Posted by Navarill

Since the last update, something about Dynamic CP is preventing Jack of All Trades from writing chat output when making changes to the green slots.

Is it a specific chat output in particular? e.g. "Meticulous Disassembly slotted" or something else? I use both add-ons together and still have the green output currently, but there are probably many settings we have set differently. Do you have more detailed steps to reproduce the issue?

Resetting the saved variables in Jack of all Trades fixed it.

UPDATE: It fixed it until the next ReloadUI. This is not a serious issue, so if I'm the only one reporting it, no need to invest anymore time into it.

Last edited by Navarill : 10/22/23 at 02:09 PM.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (85)10/22/23, 12:25 PM


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Originally Posted by Navarill

Since the last update, something about Dynamic CP is preventing Jack of All Trades from writing chat output when making changes to the green slots.

Is it a specific chat output in particular? e.g. "Meticulous Disassembly slotted" or something else? I use both add-ons together and still have the green output currently, but there are probably many settings we have set differently. Do you have more detailed steps to reproduce the issue?

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (90)10/22/23, 12:18 PM


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Since the last update, something about Dynamic CP is preventing Jack of All Trades from writing chat output when making changes to the green slots.

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (93)08/03/23, 12:09 AM


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Re: Re: Bar slotted skills keep resetting despite saved pre-sets

Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Originally Posted by khyxan


I'm trying to create some pre-sets but when I save the pre-set, the slotted skills I have selected keep getting over written with others. IE, Bloody Renewal is always replaced with Siphoning Spells.

I have tried to switch off auto-selection but then no slotted skills are saved at all.

I have looked over the 'Custom Rules' addon but that seems way more specific than I am looking for.

Any advice?

The addon does not save slotted skills when saving a preset. It's something I've kinda wanted to add, but there's so much other stuff to do and so little time Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (94)

Ok, thanks.

My original plan was to create a master list that I could use as a basis for any new builds, instead of having to keep adding the same points to the same skills. I have created a scaled down version that doesn't include slottables that mostly does the same thing.

It still a great addon. Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (95)

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (98)07/30/23, 04:18 AM


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Re: Re: Quickstars background & settings button

Originally Posted by Kyzeragon

Heya, if you're seeing the gear icon and backdrop, that means you don't have the panel locked. You can go to the settings > Quickstar Panel Settings > Lock Panel, which will hide those things and prevent the panel from being moved around. Those things are only visible to aid in moving the panel, though if you want to be able to move it freely, then I guess you could do the code change.

Ahhhh, I see that now. I would rather not modify the code to keep updates easy. I've reverted my changes.

Thank you again!

Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (101)07/29/23, 07:47 PM


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Re: Quickstars background & settings button

Originally Posted by RandomUser123

Hello Kyzeragon, thank you for this great addon!

Is there a way to change the background color of the Quickstars panel from the settings UI? And hide the settings button?

I didn't see it, so I looked in the quickstars.xml file. In there, I was able to make the background transparent and hide the settings button by changing the color code and commenting out the control:


<Control name="DynamicCPQuickstars" mouseEnabled="true" movable="true" clampedToScreen="true" hidden="false" tier="MEDIUM"> <Dimensions x="240" y="172"/> <OnMoveStop>DynamicCP.SaveQuickstarsPosition()</OnMoveStop> <Controls> <Backdrop name="$(parent)Backdrop" centerColor="00000000" edgeColor="00000000" tier="MEDIUM"> <Edge edgeSize="2"/> <AnchorFill/> <!-- <Controls> <Texture name="$(parent)Options" textureFile="esoui/art/chatwindow/chat_options_up.dds" tier="HIGH" color="FF3bdb5e" mouseEnabled="true"> <Dimensions x="36" y="36" /> <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" offsetX="-2" offsetY="-2"/> <OnMouseUp>DynamicCP.OpenSettingsMenu()</OnMouseUp> </Texture> </Controls> --><!-- etc. etc. -->

Heya, if you're seeing the gear icon and backdrop, that means you don't have the panel locked. You can go to the settings > Quickstar Panel Settings > Lock Panel, which will hide those things and prevent the panel from being moved around. Those things are only visible to aid in moving the panel, though if you want to be able to move it freely, then I guess you could do the code change.

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Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0) (2024)


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